Advancement into Leyland Mark
At the meeting of Leyland Mark Lodge on the 10th November 2016 some twenty-seven Brethren witnessed Bro. David Nicholas Topping being Advanced as a Mark Master Mason. The Ceremony was carried out by the acting Worshipful Master W.Bro. G.D. Stephenson PProvGJD., due to the Worshipful Master W.Bro. N.M. McGill being unable to attend due to illness. W.Bro. Stephenson was assisted by W.Bro. J.E. Airey PProvGJO in the Advancement of Bro. Topping.
VWBro. G. Paul Snape, W.Bro. J.E. Airey, Bro. Topping and W.Bro. G.D. Stephenson
The meeting was attended by VW.Bro. G. Paul Snape PGJO the RW Provincial Grand Master’s Special Representative, who on the conclusion of the ceremony presented Bro. Topping with a letter of welcome to the Degree, from the RW Provincial Grand Master Bro. Keith A. Beardmore.
Bro. Topping is a keen Rugby Union fan and still plays for a local team. He is a familiar face around Tarleton being a Chiropodist with a practice in the village centre.
Following what was described as an excellent ceremony, twenty-three members and guests enjoyed a pleasant Festive Board.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Colin Mills, PAGStB